Sister Wives

Kody Threatens to Sue Ex-Wives, Kids for Disparaging, Disrespecting Him on Social Media

In the world of reality television, the Brown family of “Sister Wives” fame has captivated audiences with their unconventional lifestyle and complex family dynamics. However, recent revelations suggest that the picture-perfect portrayal of polygamy on the show is far from the reality behind the scenes. Kody Brown, the patriarch, has allegedly gone to great lengths to maintain his public image, silencing his wives and children through legal threats and manipulation. This article delves into the intricacies of this control, the impact on his family, and the parallels with other reality TV families.

A Family Divided

The Brown family consists of Kody Brown, his four wives (Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn), and their 18 children. The family’s dynamics have always been complex, with each wife and child vying for Kody’s attention and approval. The cracks in this polygamous family became more apparent during season 17, which documented Christine’s decision to leave Kody. This season was a ratings success, largely due to the raw emotional displays and the unfolding family drama.

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During this period, several of the Brown children, particularly those of Christine, began speaking out publicly. Gwendlyn, Mykelti, and Paedon Brown were notably vocal about the favoritism Kody showed towards Robyn and her children, the neglect they felt, and other internal family issues. These revelations provided a rare glimpse into the dysfunction behind the show’s facade.

The Silencing of the Children

However, the outspokenness of the Brown children was short-lived. Paedon Brown, who had been particularly critical of his father, abruptly stopped posting on social media and making public comments about Kody and the family. Gwendlyn, who had been candid about her negative experiences, also changed her tune, suddenly defending her father and criticizing her mother, Christine. This drastic shift raised suspicions among fans and observers.

In an interview with blogger John Yates, Paedon revealed that his father had threatened legal action against him if he continued to speak negatively about him. According to Paedon, Kody viewed any criticism as a threat to his public image and the success of the show. This threat extended to all of Kody’s children, effectively silencing them and preventing them from sharing their truths.

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The Power of Legal Threats

Kody’s use of legal threats is not unique. Other reality TV patriarchs, such as Jim Bob Duggar of “19 Kids and Counting,” have employed similar tactics to control their families and protect their public images. Jim Bob’s children have spoken out about the extensive non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) they were required to sign, preventing them from discussing family matters publicly. Kody appears to be following the same playbook, using NDAs and legal threats to keep his children and wives in line.

Gwendlyn Brown’s experience highlights the extent of Kody’s manipulation. She revealed that she was tricked into signing an NDA during the filming of her engagement party, thinking it was a standard release form. This NDA prevents her from speaking negatively about her father or the show, effectively silencing her.

The Impact on the Brown Family

The fear of legal repercussions has led to a noticeable change in the Brown family’s public behavior. Despite Kody’s often controversial and offensive actions, his children and wives have remained silent or, in some cases, defended him. This silence is particularly striking given the highly publicized fallout between Kody and Christine, which saw her children initially rallying around her.

The legal intimidation has also created an environment of mistrust and manipulation within the family. Kody’s insistence on maintaining control and his willingness to use legal threats against his children have further alienated him from them. The emotional and psychological impact of this control is profound, with family members feeling they cannot express their true feelings or seek support outside the family.

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A Cult-like Control

Kody’s control over his family mirrors the dynamics often seen in cults, where a single leader exerts absolute control over their followers. In such settings, dissent is not tolerated, and any attempt to speak out is met with severe consequences. The patriarchal structure of the Brown family, coupled with Kody’s use of legal threats, creates a similar atmosphere of fear and submission.

The Apostolic United Brethren (AUB), the polygamous sect to which the Browns belong, reinforces this control. In the AUB, the patriarch is considered the ultimate authority, and questioning this authority is seen as questioning God. This belief system further complicates the Brown children’s ability to speak out against their father, as they have been indoctrinated to believe that doing so is wrong.

The Role of TLC

The role of TLC, the network that airs “Sister Wives,” cannot be overlooked. The network has a vested interest in maintaining the show’s success and protecting its star, Kody Brown. By supporting Kody’s legal threats and enforcing NDAs, TLC ensures that the show’s image remains intact. This dynamic raises ethical questions about the network’s responsibility to the Brown family members, particularly the children, who may be suffering under Kody’s control.

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