1000 Lb Sisters

Tammy Makes Contact With The Spirit Of Late Caleb Willingham

1000 Lb Sisters star Tammy Slaton hasn’t forgotten her late husband, Caleb Willingham. She believes that she is still connected to the latter and often talks to him. The celeb recently claimed that she made “contact” with her late partner and left her audience in disbelief. Slaton almost choked when she was narrating the incident.

Tammy further made some shocking revelations about her experience while she had her haunted dolls in her hands. What is this all about? Did she really make contact with her late husband? What is she up to now? Keep on reading to know more about Tammy’s interaction with Caleb.

1000 Lb Sisters: Tammy’s Life Has Changed After Caleb’s Death

1000 Lb Sister star Tammy Slaton has been reflecting on her grief in the latest season. She has tried her best to move on in her life but how can she completely forget someone she really loved? Hence, there have been uncountable instances when the celeb was caught crying her heart out on camera and mourning the death of her beloved husband.

During the first episode of the current season, Tammy stated, “Everything has changed for me since Caleb passed.” She admitted that she really misses her husband. But the celeb believes that she is still “connected” to Caleb in some way or another. This is because she decided to take off her late beau’s ashes and make them into a necklace and a ring. Hence, because of this, Tammy always has a sense of togetherness with Caleb!

1000 Lb Sisters: Tammy Says She Makes ‘Contact’ With Caleb! How?

1000 Lb Sisters star Tammy Slaton had tears in her eyes when she made “contact” with Caleb Willingham with Amy. They decided to gather their haunted dolls as they were willing to establish a connection with the late celeb’s soul. Tammy admitted to the cameras that she had felt Caleb’s presence in her life. She explained how she is able to smell her husband’s “cologne.” But that’s not all.


As per Tammy, her hair moves behind her ears, and she is sure Caleb is doing all this. She added, “I know he just wanted me to be happy.” However, the celeb isn’t sure if she is ready to let him go. Slaton revealed that ever since Caleb passed, she has had more good days than bad ones.

Tammy often talks out loud to Caleb when she is walking alone and knows that the latter is there for her. She recalled how she was initially “upset” with her husband for leaving her as his “widow.” However, with time, Slaton understood that it wasn’t something Caleb could control, and now she is thankful for all the time she had with him.

Amid all this, Tammy decided to connect with Caleb through an app and ended up hearing, “I’m here. I haven’t left you, I’m here.” She was sure that it was her late husband’s voice and claimed that she talked about her “skin removal surgery” as well. Slaton believes that Caleb is guiding her during the entire process and has made peace with everything.

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